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THE COVIDIARIES - DAY 3 - Thursday 19th March 2020

If only the weather would brighten up, being stuck in the house with an hyperactive husband is like having six nursery children on tap.

He left to play golf early this morning, but the wind was so horrendous at Mortehoe that he was home by nine. We are both somewhat irritable. Thank God we can get out for a walk. Imagine being stuck in a flat in London; does not bear thinking about. Last night I found myself unravelling my least favourite sweater to give me something to knit. Patrick reckons he will give Sue a run for her money he has done so much piano practice; in his words, “I am not far off being a concert pianist.” I do sometimes wonder which planet he lives on. He spent this afternoon carefully stacking all the back copies of The Times, because we forgot to put them out for recycling. However, he now tells me when the rest of Braunton is out of loo paper, because some prat is hoarding it all, we can make a small fortune selling our surplus papers for bum wiping.

The next door neighbour’s news is equally as grim. For those of you who do not realise, my daughter, husband and two children live in part of our house. Dan, an air ambulance pilot, is up doing the London run this week. No doctors accompany the helicopter now and casualties have to go in the land ambulance. His job is to bring the paramedics in their hazmat suits to the casualty, but he cannot fly in a suit so is quite vulnerable. Pilots are dropping like flies and so I doubt if he will get any time off. Teaching is now classed as key working and Bridget has to go into school to video link teach next week and then during the holidays will have to work looking after key workers’ children. This means the grandchildren will have to go in with her as we are meant to be in social isolation. My father living in the village has the wonderful Jo going in but I still have to visit so social isolation is a bit of a farce.

On the upside, however, my computer skills are improving and I may yet get to a stage where I can set up the daily diary page on my own. Pigs might fly. Getting admin. jobs done, which have been put off for years and finally got around to see if we can get a fibre optic cable into the house. Saunton has only had it over the past few months and we still have to be connected from the telegraph pole at the bottom of the drive.

The choir rallied last night to offer support to Rachel “As I said in my profile sentences, choir puts me in a good mood for the rest of the week. I was poorly last week and now we're off until further notice so I've not had any 'feel good' time. I also don't feel like I have a 'go to' person who can help me to filter through all the information and work out what to do. Dan says I worry to much, its to you, lovely ladies, that I confess that my anxiety is going through the roof? ” There was loads of backup and thoughts about having the same fears. Jane B, says, “I'm never normally bothered about medical stuff - I have a family who never get ill - my boys have never had a day off school through illness (apart from the day Andy came back from the Falklands...), but even I am getting nervous about this. My problem is not being able to physically see the problem, it's out there, all around us but we can't see it. We're taking all these measures, but for what? Think it's really important to keep sharing thoughts, worries etc. Big love to everyone. xx

Emma comments, “It's completely understandable that you're feeling like this. it's hard to avoid the news and all the negatives bouncing around the Internet and social media. Try to focus on the positives. Military families especially can always find the humour in adversity. A great way of tackling the anxiety is to always look for the opposite fact that's possible. Vanessa and Karen both support writing worries down, Kim suggests singing. Tiredness is a common theme from Maria, Jane B and S and yours truly. The lack of testing for the coronavirus is another theme and one that concerns me. Who knows I might be unnecessarily self-isolating and will never know, or the virus that I have had may not have been coronavirus.

Please, everyone look at Vanessa’s mindfulness and wellbeing posts and the self teaching information ‘twinkl’, which is covering key stages 1 to 4. The two minute breathing really works.

I have just listened to Boris Johnson and he tells us there are 137 dead, but all in the age range of 47 to 96 and ALL with underlying health issues. That is Patrick and I stuffed; over seventy, high blood pressure and Parkinson’s. However, I like to think that we are both quite fit.

Smiley news is that according to Kim the link road is a lot quieter. According to Nicky last night’s Hercules activity was a covert supply of Andrex haha. The government are near to introducing a kit to test if we have had the disease. Vicki’s five year old nephew, despite having heart and chest problems has recovered from the virus, as has his father. Our prayers are with her sister who currently has it and Rita’s vulnerable son and her daughter across the pond

On a last note, please, do not forget to put rainbows in your windows to cheer up the children and give them something to look for. And a really last note I THINK THE WEATHER IS GOING TO IMPROVE.

Love to you all from a really quite lonely Sarah

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