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THE COVIDIARIES - Day 9 - Wednesday 25th March

What a lovely diary we had from Shona last night and I loved the way she did the quotations; I will get to work on that one. Hope you can do it next Tuesday as well, not as though you are going anywhere soon!

It was wonderful seeing you all last night on ‘Zoom’, I am really becoming a convert to social media. It bolstered me up immensely as I had had a blubby day and kept finding myself sobbing, rather like having postnatal blues; thank you all of you for your kind words.

Today I woke up in a lot more positive mood and I think part of the reason is that Jo has sorted out all my worries over Daddy. She is now going in every morning and I go round in the afternoon and we converse, at distance, through the kitchen door. He is not strong enough to open the window. I cannot honestly know what I would do without her help. Our children have told us that we have to self isolate, but Daddy was our weak link, but now that worry is over and I am calmer. Jo, I really cannot thank you enough.

I know I am not the only one in this position having read Cheryl’s message, “ I have just had a lovely Facebook call from mum again. She’s in good spirits. Thinking I’m not visiting her because I can’t be bothered. Oh well let her think it, she doesn’t need to know what’s going on in the world. Her happy bubble. Everyone is ok in the home no symptoms yet, well done Bluebell house for keeping her safe and the rest of the residents. XX”

We have spent the day in the garden and I am proud to announce that the greenhouse contains new life, with purple sprouting and kale showing green shoots. Tomorrow we plan on turning over the veg patch ready for planting out next month. Jenny has started a gardening blog; do check it out. Lovely photographs of her allotment.

Make do and mend is creeping in.

“Something to lighten the mood... A challenge..

Well, I’ve seen it all now! Mum is in her 3rd/4th day of 12 weeks isolation and this is how she is spending her time! Yes! She is wearing my late father's pants as a mask! She found a video of a policewoman on Twitter showing how to make them and decided to create her own! She has been warned I'm sharing this with you all and this mornings facetime was rather amusing #oddballs is definitely the word for the day. She has challenged you all to do the same!!!”

Sue T, Rachel S and Kim all remember their mothers using their fathers’ y-fronts as dusters.

New recipe from Tracy for ‘Nan’s magic soup’; lovely to see it in longhand. My mother has been dead for eight years but I do still use her recipe books and occasionally hand written recipes fall out, always in her very distinctive copper plate handwriting.

We are all keeping busy in different ways, the Scott (Nicky) family are playing scrabble, gardening and cooking. I heard Nicky say on ‘Zoom’ last night that she has never done so much gardening in her life. Sue T is sorting online piano lessons and I cannot wait for the concert pianist to move on from the Can-Can. The Meek girls are making hair dye. I only said to Patrick yesterday that it was going to be interesting to see the true colour of our friends’ hair. Low and behold Debbie and Shona commented on the same thing. Penny and I have been setting a trend for grey hair for years.

“Day three home schooling is going well. The boys are working hard so they can have their afternoons free to video call mates and do some exercise. Ben came home last night and is now working from home. I really enjoyed seeing you lovely ladies last night. I needed that interaction. Today if I feel better, I'm going to sort my craft stash out, so I can make a list of projects to do, to keep the madness at bay. Keep safe lovely ladies xxx This is from Vanessa.

Little snippets from Knockbeg. The loo roll level slowly decreases, but on the up side ‘The Times’ is increasing. For Mothering Sunday Bridget gave me “The Boy, the mole, the fox and the Horse,” by Charlie Mackesy and it is really a booster to low spirits. I thoroughly recommend it as a good read.

Met the vet’s delivery man today (he was shouting through the window at his parents who live opposite my father) and he told me that all the vets’ animal ventilators are now in the hospitals.

The house reeks of bleach and meths., the latter from our rather dodgy hand gel. Just before we were all in lockdown there was a mad rush to record all the cathedral and church hymns for posterity. It was also felt with the elderly as the main church goers and holders of our hymn record, and the danger of many of them dying, it had to be put on disc for future generations. We are getting no fibre optic cable to our house until June at the earliest because of the coronovirus.

Spent an interesting time (having overheard colleagues at work struggling to buy thermometers) checking out the plastic storage box that is my medicine chest for the thermometer I know I bought in SA 30-odd years ago. Having had parents who lived through two World Wars and the Great Depression of the 1930s - I tend to keep everything 'cos it might come in handy 'one day'. Habits hard to break. Soooo found the thermometer and lots of other long-forgotten items: Sterile needles and syringes from SA when local doctor suggested I 'do my own' with the anti-allergy serum for Hayfever back in the 1980s. A variety of 'off the shelf' stuff that expired between 2010 and 2018 and low and behold some handbag stray gel (expiration date 2014) but hey-ho - perhaps 'one day' has arrived!

This from Penny. We have two old fashioned glass thermometers and a syringe kit just like you. The grandchildren can never understand if they have a fever when staying with us that I always ask them to open their mouth.

A staggering statistic from Boris. In twenty four hours 405.000 people volunteered to help the n? vulnerable.

Question. We have seen lots of people surfing. Is this an acceptable form of exercise? Should they be, when if they get into difficulties, they may be risking infecting RNLI or Coastguard rescuers? Oh, and diverting Ambulance/A&E resources?


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